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I painted some new pieces earlier this year with calligraphy inks, adding details with mixed drawing tools such as coloured pencils and gel pens.
All of these new artworks are available as prints, posters and some other products over at the Society6 store!

With personal paintings I often like to work on multiple pieces at a time: I feel this boosts my creativity and gives me freedom to try new approaches and take more risks. I also enjoy that this usually results in a series of works that are different but still appear more or less related to each other.

Whenever one piece needs to dry or of I feel stuck with overthinking the next step, it’s easy to just move on and work on one of the other pieces. I find that ideas and solutions pop up on their own, if I just give them a little time and focus on something else for a while.

With the last two paintings I wanted to try a pastel coloured border as part of the artwork itself. I painted the borders with acrylic paints for a bit of contrasting texture.

Note that Art Prints of the last two pieces will print with double borders: coloured and white one. Posters however do not have white border, just the coloured one.
All text, images and artwork © Ulla Thynell